
come practice with me

As I re-read last week’s blog post after it was published, I giggled at myself. Nowhere – absolutely nowhere – in the email subject or header line did I mention the fact that there was an actual class offering included.


Email marketing folks for sure rolled their eyes knowingly at my novice oversight.

Self-awareness junkies may have thought, “Well, that makes sense. If she is so in the “I don’t wanna'” head space, then of course she didn’t mention her teaching in the subject.”

And all of this is true. But the part that makes me smile at little ol’ me here and now is that 7 days later, I DO wanna’. Fortunately for me, last week when I wrote, I trusted that my boat would come around the bend and the rapids would settle and I would be able to see the landscape again instead of dodging rocks this way and that.

Ah, the river.
Ah, this raft.
Ah, the sights and sounds on the banks surrounding.

And so. Once again, I invite you…
this time with not only open heart but also aligned mind.

Please join me on Saturday, December 19th to move, breathe, listen and – if desired – to share what is swirling for you this holiday season. RSVPs are appreciated but not required. I am not charging for the session but donation to a charity of your choice is encouraged – whether $5 or $50, please spread your good intentions.

Grief, Grit, and Gratitude
All levels therapeutic yoga class and share session
Forward this invitation along to anyone who comes to mind. To anyone who braids grief, grit and gratitude throughout their days. Just like me. Probably just like you. Just like so many whom we know and hold dear.

Take good care. Now and always,

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