
Open. Receive.

Suffering is innate because we experience the gift of relativity. The measure of felt loss is directly related to the measure of felt love. Without one, the other cannot exist. Without the joy, we cannot know the emptiness that follows. Our stickiness in suffering arises from another place – our intense belief that once a new page is turned, no joy can exist. The certainty that when winter sets in, there is no beauty to be found there without the fullness of summertime leaves. For those moments when we can release our grip on the past as good and the future as bad and we land somewhere in between, we discover awe of the past and wonder for the future. We open. We receive. We reside in the moment in honor of all that no longer lives in body and instead guides us in spirit.

I open. I receive.

We open. We receive.

Open. Receive.

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