Shifting Gears
The last month has been awesome. My son was tracked out for 5 weeks and we ate up the time. We traveled to see family, family came to see us, we indulged, we were loved by family, we swam A LOT. It was awesome.
And I am friggin’ exhausted. After a certain point, the fun was relentless. For real. John’s face above kind of reflects my state as of last week.
Medicine in excess is poison. An overdose.
I’ve found that a certain amount of structure to life allows more space to absorb unexpected events. Like a sick kid or a tough week for my husband at work or eating a little more junk than normal or even a sore hip.
But when that structure isn’t there – for an extended period of time like, oh, multiples vacations in the same month and a revolving door of visitors in your own house – it becomes a bit less pleasant to absorb unexpected events. I should elaborate on that. It is downright crappy to absorb anything out of the ideal day to day life. It feels mushy, grey, stormy and thick inside in that place. And I definitely know that place as well as I know a place of smooth, clear, and light joy.
This week, one of my mentors encouraged me to think of my body as a lab of sorts. A place to step back with my judgments, get curious about the happenings, and use what I know to experiment. Sound familiar? Yes, I need regular reminders as well. This body, this life – all of it – is one awesome chance to experience, eat up the joy AND the discomfort, and refine going forward. As I settle back into structure, I invite all the supports that I know I need for times of transition. In some upcoming posts, I’ll speak a bit as to what some of those supports are for me.
For now, consider this. What are the pieces that tend to be in play when you feel at ease? Or for that matter when your practice on the mat feels at ease? In that place where life is ebbing and flowing and you are like water flowing through it. Are their specific people, practices, hygiene habits, foods, etc. that allow you to feel more alive and less numb? If you’re game, actually write them down and consider how often those pieces are part of your everyday. For now, get curious. But don’t actually DO anything. Just be curious and see what’s up.
There is so much more. Man, is there ever.
Be well,