
To Gather: An Invitation for Saturday, December 21st

The holiday season is glittery, shiny, sparkly and oh so fast. My children are vibrating. Sometimes, I feel their massive joy overpowering my small inner shell of a body. They are a force to be reckoned with.For that, I am grateful.
And sometimes annoyed as well.
Ah, to be human.

I also know another side of the holidays. I know that we can get swept away on the current of Doing and lose touch with the essence of its stillness. Of its purity.

And I know yet another side of the holidays. I know that we can freeze in the icy reach of Grief. The overwhelming fullness of the season can also starkly contrast that which is empty. That which will never be filled by Doing or bright lights or raucous sounds. That which has passed and will never return in precisely the same way again.

And for all of it, I am grateful.

I know that there are many who do not wish to think of the darker side of the holidays. The shadow side of grief that sits in the silence with us as we stare at the fingers of branches costumed in the glow of lights. But I seem to consistently choose a different way. And in doing so, I wonder once more.. what if… what if there is room for it all?

I am honored and humbled that the path of my work, my training and my simple everyday life has allowed me to cross paths with an array of stunning souls. People who are willing to be with the hard stuff – and the joy – all in a first meeting. My recent trip to Boulder reminded me of this great Grace of my life. From students and recent graduates working the B&B at which I stayed, to the guests who sat at the breakfast table with me, to my training time with a group of shining and inquisitive humans, to my Uber rides with curious beautiful aching people, I was reminded of the unending shower of souls in which I am blessed.

For this season of giving, I would be honored if you would join me and any number of people whom I’ve crossed paths with over the years.

Wherever you may be, time zone or geography, I invite you – and anyone else in desire of community – to join me:

Saturday, December 21st
1:30-3:00pm Eastern Time
Remembering: From Grief to Gratitude
A Virtual Practice & Share Session
Link will open 15 minutes prior to start time:

Let’s invite what can feel like the massive dragon of our human experience – joy, grief, and everything in between – into the expansive space of the virtual world. A space that might just be perfectly sized in its immensity to meet our collective experience.We will begin our time with a short exploratory yoga and movement practice around the cycles of contraction and expansion. Following the practice, all will have the opportunity to reflect upon their grief in whatever way desired – aloud or silent or not at all – and we will hold it  in a container so much larger than our singular all alone bodies. We will close our time with a short meditation.

There is no charge for this gathering. But I encourage you to honor your own grief by – if available to you – donating to a charity of your choice. If you are able, offer the kindness of giving to that which asks for your love and attention.

RSVPs are greatly appreciated as I’ll send out a reminder and a few suggestions on how to setup for the movement portion of our time together. But if you don’t want to RSVP, and you still desire to come, please know that we desire you to be there. RSVP or not, deciding now or at the 11th hour, you are welcome.

Join me and you and others just like us – humans who feel joy and grief and every color that comes with them both. Humans who are complex and flawed and wonderful and confused. Humans who are perfect in their imperfection.

Just like me. Just like you. Just like us.

I am grateful for you this holiday season. I am grateful for all of us navigating this messy, beautiful and so very extraordinary life.

May we hold space for one another this season.
And whatever it may offer as our gifts.

See you soon,

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